Amazon gripes

Although Amazon was beginning to gain traction as an incredible way to deploy applications, there were many concerns:

  • Security: Amazon has significantly improved its security offerings over the years, but at the time of its release, Amazon only offered shared hosted infrastructure. The physical machine hosting your virtual machine most likely served other customers, including competitors! Companies with strict security compliance requirements found this unacceptable.
  • Cost: There's no doubt that Amazon is much cheaper than choosing to purchase, deploy, manage, and support the infrastructure yourself. But what about all that AWS cloud spending over time? This is a subject of much debate. But in some scenarios, hiring a company to manage your cloud may be cheaper over time.
  • Vendor lock-in: As companies began to place more and more of their production workloads on AWS, this required employees investing hours and days of their time learning the ins and outs of the unique AWS ecosystem. This included digging through official AWS documentation so that one could learn how to code to their APIs. As a single organization in charge of all aspects of the offering, AWS could easily choose to change their API syntax or even raise their resource usage prices. Imagine the hassle involved in attempting to migrate workloads on AWS to another cloud provider.