第9章 Spell of the Rising Moon——Peter Steinhart




There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. The noise of the city is a far-off murmur. In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and the confidence of owls.But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see, for that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely.

From this hill I have watched many moons rise. Each one had its own mood. There have been broad, confident harvest moons in autumn; shy, misty moons in spring; lonely, winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink-black sky and smoke-smudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer.Each, like fine music, excited my heart and then calmed my soul.

Moon gazing is an ancient art. To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was asunerringas heartbeat. They knew that every 29 days[2] it became full-bellied and brilliant, then sickened and died, and then was reborn. They knew thewaxingmoon appeared larger and higher overhead after each succeeding sunset. They knew the waning moon rose later each night until it vanished in the sunrise. To have understood the moon's patterns from experience must have been a profound thing.

But we, who live indoors, have lost contact with the moon. The glare of street lights and the dust of pollution veil the night sky. Though men have walked on the moon, it grows less familiar. Few of us can say when the moon will rise tonight.

Still, it tugs at our minds. If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we are helpless but to stare back at its commanding presence. And the moon has gifts to bestow upon those who watch.

I learned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains. My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east.

Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame. Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods.

But as the moon lifted off the ridge it gathered firmness and authority. Itscomplexionchanged from red, to orange, to gold, toimpassiveyellow. It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth, for as it rose, the hills and valleys below grew dimmer. By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon, full chested and round and the color of ivory, the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. The dogs,reassuredthat this was the familiar moon, stopped barking. And all at once I felt a confidence and joy close to laughter

The drama took an hour. Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties. To watch it, we must slip into an older, more patient sense of time. To watch the moon moveinexorablyhigher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves. Our imaginations become aware of the vast distances of space, theimmensityof the earth and huge improbability of our own existence. We feel small but privileged.

Moonlight shows us none of life's harder edges. Hillsides seem silken and silvery, the oceans still and blue in its light. In moonlight we become less calculating, more drawn to our feelings.














unerring adj. 无过失的,不犯错误的

wax v. 月亮渐满

complexion n. 肤色,面色

impassive adj. 冷漠的,无感觉的

reassure v. 使消除疑虑

inexorably adj.无情地,冷酷地

immensity n. 巨大


From this hill I have watched many moons rise. Each one had its own mood. There have been broad, confident harvest moons in autumn; shy, misty moons in spring; lonely, winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink-black sky and smokesmudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer. Each, like fine music, excited my heart and then calmed my soul.在小山上,我看过很多次月出。每次月出都是各有风情,不尽相同。秋日里,圆圆的月亮露出丰收的自信;春风中,月亮灰蒙蒙地表达着羞涩;冬日里,冰轮般的月亮孤独地悬在漆黑的空中;夏日中,橘黄色的月亮朦朦胧胧地俯瞰着干燥的田野。每一种月亮都似精美的音乐,感动我的心灵,抚慰我的灵魂。