- 认知能力和语言水平对中国英语学习者隐喻理解和生成的影响
- 魏耀章
- 181字
- 2025-02-18 00:29:02
List of Abbreviations
ARIT Advanced raven intelligence test
APT The degree of aptness of metaphors produced in the topic writing
CFTMS Comprehension of the four different types of metaphorical sentences
CG Cognition group
COG Cognition
CTP Creative thinking practice
EFL English as a foreign language
ESP English for specific purposes
FLTL Foreign language teaching and learning
HCG High cognition group
HPG High proficiency group
H LG High language proficiency group
ICG Intermediate cognition group
ILG Intermediate language proficiency group
LCG Low cognition group
LG Language proficiency group
LLG Low language proficiency group
LP Language proficiency
LPG Low proficiency group
MAQ Meta-cognitive ability
METACOG Metacognition
MC Metaphor comprehension
MN The number of metaphors in the composition
MP Metaphor production
NOV The degree of novelty of metaphors produced in the topic writing
PDAN Production of density, aptness and novelty
PER Percentage
RLC Recognition of linguistic cues
SRC Sentence reading comprehension
SSF Sentence stem filling
TEM 4 Test for English Majors Grade Four
TSA The total score of aptness
TSV Total score of vocabulary
TW Topic writing
UDTM Understanding of different types of metaphor